Cerveza Fria: 30-Minutes To All The Vacation Spani.My First Incredible Amazing Dictionary - A to Z.It Really Is Greek to Me!: Greek for Kids (Little.The Oxford Picture Dictionary for Kids (English/Sp.Science Dictionary for Kids: The Essential Guide t.ASL American Sign Language Tales and Games for Kid.Tuttle More Chinese for Kids Flash Cards Tradition.ASL American Sign Language Songs for Kids for Wind.Rogers Reference-A Complete Set Of only/Homophone.
The story explores how, in ASL, spatial relations affect our understanding of the tale. What Pet Should I Get? is a cumulative story that follows the antics of Horatio, Paws' owner, as he inadvertently releases animals from their cages in a pet store. How the word "look" changes in ASL is addressed in a story about a boy named Arnold who asks a librarian for a book with a space alien and, to the shock of the librarian, actually finds a space alien reading a book. Children also can visit the video store on Woof Woof Way to see three ASL stories. The CD also contains a picture dictionary of the sign/English vocabulary used in the stories. Each story has three games, which reinforce skills in categorization, memory, spelling, literacy, visual processing, and creativity. Any word that is colored blue can be seen individually signed. Miriam Morrow, a deaf actress, signs each sentence dressed as Paws, the signing dog. Each story can be viewed continuously, without the child needing to manipulate the mouse, or the child can control the story himself. The stories are original and written to promote good English literacy, while simultaneously teaching important aspects of ASL. This CD, Woof Woof Way, focuses on events that take place on one street in Pawstown, Woof Woof Way.